The guidelines for using our services are outlined in the terms and conditions. By using our services, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions.
1. Services: We offer education consultancy services to help you meet your educational objectives. We offer various services, such as career counseling, standardized test preparation, visa assistance, admission assistance, etc.
2. Fees: There are fees associated with our services, which will be pre-agreed upon. Prices may change depending on the services offered and the complexity of your requirements.
3. Limitation of Liability: We will deliver our services with adequate diligence and expertise, but we cannot promise they will be error-free or fulfill your requirements. Our liability policy does not cover any indirect, special, or consequential damages resulting from or related to the use of our services.
4. Termination: Either party can end this agreement by providing written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, you will be liable for all unpaid costs for services rendered up until the termination date.
5. Amendments: These terms and conditions may change at any moment, with or without prior notice. The revised terms and conditions will be posted on our website and go into effect as soon as they do.